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Stray Bean

Bulldog Blend - Medium Roast - Ground

Bulldog Blend - Medium Roast - Ground

Regular price $14.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.99 USD
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Introducing the "Bulldog Blend" Ground Coffee – an embodiment of strength and flavor that commands attention with every sip. With an EP certification and a medium roast, this blend promises a nuanced tasting experience that lingers on the palate.

Crafted by the hands of dedicated smallholder farmers from the picturesque region of Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia, the Bulldog Blend unites the Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, and Typica varieties. Thriving at altitudes ranging from 1300 to 1500 meters and nurtured by volcanic loam soil, these beans yield a profile that's as rich as the land they call home.

Prepare to embark on a sensory adventure – the aroma greets you like a warm embrace, hinting at the delight to come. With each sip, the Bulldog Blend reveals layers of dried orange, a medley of berries, and the comforting embrace of chocolate. The medium roast underscores these flavors, striking the perfect balance between boldness and grace.

The coffee's journey is a testament to the fusion of tradition and innovation. Fully washed and meticulously dried in solar dryers, the Bulldog Blend is a symphony of dedication, nature's bounty, and meticulous craftsmanship. Elevate your mornings with a blend that mirrors the spirit of its namesake – robust, reliable, and utterly satisfying.

12 ounces - Yields around 22 delightful cups of coffee.


For the best results, use cold, filtered water and ensure your coffee machine is clean and well-maintained.

To suit your taste preferences, start with approximately two level tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of cold, filtered, or bottled water.


Preserve the rich and fresh taste of your coffee by storing it in an airtight container. Avoid freezing or refrigerating the coffee to maintain its aroma and flavor at its best.

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